Monday, 29 December 2014

The Humanitarian

So we are here at last, number 10 on my list of photos/photographers that have done a profound impact on me and my photography. This is part of a quest given to me from my master +Glenn Guy at +The Arcanum 

Pick number 10:

The Racetrack at Sunset by +Colby Brown 

Well, what is there not to love in this photo. The powerful sky with the colorful clouds, horizon placed a third down. If you go for phi composition the foreground stone maybe is a tad to low but I think it works great in this photo. Perfect leading line in to the picture and an interesting pattern in the ground.

I have followed Colby Brown for a while, one reason being for his beautiful photos. But also for his humanitary work. He started The giving lensan organization that attempts to blend photo education and giving back to local communities through sustainable development projects. TGL offers photography workshops in various countries around the world that allow you to not only futher your photography skills, but make a difference in the lives of those you work with along the way.

Well that was my last pic for this quest, hoping +Glenn Guy passes me and let me go to the next level. :-)

If you want to see some of my photos be sure to head over to:
Wishing you all a great New Years eve

Sunday, 28 December 2014

The Educator

Ok, we have arrived on number 9 on my list for a quest at +The Arcanum in +Glenn Guy 's cohort.
This is a man that has produced tons of educational books and videos and have taken me from a totally newbie to where I am today. Now I'm hoping this wonderful experience with Arcanum will help me to the next level in my photography.

Pick number 9:

This is a powerful portrait, lighten just right to emphasize the toughness in the player. Also the processing, tight crop and composition underlines this. 
Scott Kelby has produced many books on retouching, Lightroom and Photoshop. He also produces +KelbyOne where you can get videos on virtually anything in photography. I've looked at several of them for example +Moose Peterson , +Joe McNally and many more.

This is a part of a quest in +The Arcanum in +Glenn Guy 's cohort, where I'm to pick ten photos or photographers that have had a profound impact on me and my photographing. This is pick number 8.

If you want to see some of my photos be sure to head over to:

Wish you all a great day.

Saturday, 27 December 2014

The traveling man

Ok we are at pick number 8 in my quest at +The Arcanum  in +Glenn Guy  's cohort. Today's pic is a man who in an intervju in +Fstoppers  (I think it was) said that he has been on the go for the last 3 years with no current adress. He has traveled the world and what I think he is now doing a video with Fstoppers.

Pick number 8 is:

Winds of inspiration, Japan by +Elia Locardi 

In this photo Elia has thought about everything, right moment, right light, right processing, right composition etc. The reason for this pic and Elia is that he emphasizes how important the right time is for a photo. Like here, perfect condition for the mountain in the back and the valley, great light on the blossom and the temple. Many, me included bring our camera on our vacations and dedicates perhaps a day photographing hoping for the right conditions. And it's nothing wrong with that but you have to have a great deal of luck, but the photos are sure good enough for the family album but perhaps not good enough for your portfolio. He says that he visit the sight day's in a row to get the right light, sometimes over a week. Learning point - be patient.

This is a part of a quest in +The Arcanum in +Glenn Guy 's cohort, where I'm to pick ten photos or photographers that have had a profound impact on me and my photographing. This is pick number 8.

If you want to see some of my photos be sure to head over to:

Wish you all a great weekend.

Wednesday, 24 December 2014

The HDR master

When I continue my list there is one man that I simply can't leave out, it is one of the founders ot +The Arcanum, you guessed it, +Trey Ratcliff. He is one of the reasons that I got in to shooting HDR. I've read several of his books, seen many tutorials and bought a bunch of his presets for different software.

The pick I've chosen is:

The Bamboo Forest by Trey Ratcliff

This pic is a bit like Judast Priest would have put it "Breaking the law" with the walk way smack dow in the middle. But here it works, rules are there to be broken. You only got to know when it enhances the photo. Here you have great symmetry in the bamboo on both sides of the pathway. And the pathway as a leading line leading you deeper in to the picture. I love the use of the soft light and the processing making the look kind of dreamy, like taken from a fairy tail. 

This is a part of a quest in +The Arcanum in +Glenn Guy 's cohort, where I'm to pick ten photos or photographers that have had a profound impact on me and my photographing. This is pick number 7.

If you want to see some of my photos be sure to head over to:

Wish you all a Merry Christmas

Tuesday, 23 December 2014

Polar Obsession

This is a part of a quest in +The Arcanum in +Glenn Guy 's cohort, where I'm to pick ten photos or photographers that have had a profound impact on me and my photographing. This is pick number 6.

Polar Bear Reflection by Paul Nicklen

This one have caught my eye for a long time, I think it is a beautiful photo that shows a fragile side of this magnificent animal. The polar bears eyes are following you and that is something that is important in wildlife photography, miss the eyes and miss the shot. The ice on top left ads to the photo to I think, the curve is the same on the ice as on the reflected polar bears back. The simple color palett is also something that enhances the moment I think.

This is what Paul him self said about the making of this picture:

"This picture of the polar bear diving underneath the ice and the water reflection. I had first drawn on a piece of paper ten years beforehand.
And I have been trying for ten years, every year going up to the Arctic trying to get that one shot of that bear diving underneath the water like that, and get a nice underwater picture to show people a look of a bear that they haven't seen before."

Paul Nicklen uses his camera to reweal what global warming is doing to the ice and what impact this has on the wildlife.

Ok, this was pic number six, stay tuned for my next pic. Fill in your e-mail adress to the left and click submit to be sure not to miss a post.

If you want to see some of my photos be sure to head over to:

Wish you all a Merry Christmas

Monday, 22 December 2014

The Virtuoso of Noir Monocrome

Todays pick is a quite new acquaintance, This is a part of a quest in +The Arcanum in +Glenn Guy 's cohort, where I'm to pick ten photos or photographers that have had a profound impact on me and my photographing.

This is pick number 5.

Huangshan mountans, study 42 - Michael Kenna

This photo takes the importas of layers to create depth to a completly new level. There is a enormous dept in this case. Love that it goes from dark to almoust completely white at the top. The mist/fog enhance the dept feeling. I get the feeling of infinity because of the wast distance to the horizon.

The reason why I got my eyes on Michael Kenna is a comment I got on a previous blog post, where +Dag Ole Nordhaug said that the photo was a bit "Kenna'ish". Then I looked at his work and I just loved it, simple but with great impact and something I want to learn more from.

Ok, this was pic number five, stay tuned for my next pic tomorrow. Fill in your e-mail adress to the left and click submit to be sure not to miss a post.

If you want to see some of my photos be sure to head over to:

Wish you all a great Monday

Saturday, 20 December 2014

The Globetrotter

So what have I picked to day? This is one of the most famous landscape/wildlife/travel photographer there is. He has produced tons of books. Living in Seattle but mostly on the go somewhere in the world. He holds work classes all over the world and a dream of mine would to be to attend one of these, Polar Bears or the great migration. I'm of cause talking about +Art Wolfe

This is a part of a quest in +The Arcanum in +Glenn Guy 's cohort, where I'm to pick ten photos or photographers that have had a profound impact on me and my photographing. This is pick number 4.

Taken in Katmai National park in Alaska, you almost feel like you are there. Waiting for the bear to charge at you. Wolfe really takes you to the place where this was taken. Great movement and impact in the photo. The composition, putting the bear in the middle I think is a great choice. There is so much action in this pic anyway.

Ok, this was pic number four, stay tuned for my next pic tomorrow. Fill in your e-mail adress to the left and click submit to be sure not to miss a post.

If you want to see some of my photos be sure to head over to:

Wish you all a great Saturday

Friday, 19 December 2014

The HDR wizard of the north

Next in line of photographers is a bit of a wild card, it is +Jacob Surland a Danish photographer who not only is a great on HDR, he's also a fellow Arcanian at +The Arcanum he is in +Robin Griggs Wood cohort while I'm in +Glenn Guy cohort. He is one of the reasons that I got in a bit deaper with processing in HDR and he's just a great guy to talk to over at Google+. He runs a great blog with lot's of free tutorials at

This is a part of +The Arcanum and my level 7 quest. Where I'm to pick 10 photos that have had a profound impact on me and my photography.

And we have now reached pick number 3

The Christmas Viking Ship by Jacob Surland'

Perfectly aligned with phi, leading lines. This nearly feels like 3-D. I'm not a big fan of selective colors but in this case I thing it works great.

A stranded ship with a big sky above get me thinking about the old Viking gods like Odin and Thor. Great work and it's a privilege to follow you and your work +Jacob Surland 

Thursday, 18 December 2014

The grandmaster of Landscape photography

As a part of +The Arcanum, where +Glenn Guy is my master, we get different quests and completing them takes us to the next level. My current quest is to identify 10 photos that have had a profound impact on me and my photographing.

Pick number two:

Tetons and the Snake River by Ansel Adams 1942

As a landscape photographer I can't leave Ansel Adams outside this list. He was an American photographer best known for his iconic images of the American west.

This photo of the Tetons appeals to me for several reasons. One being that I've only been into photography for about 4 years when I bought my first DSLR, a Nikon D3000. Given that I've only lived in the digital darkroom and never worked with film. I think it is astonishing to be able to get this result on film. The details in the for and middle ground, perfectly balanced high-lights with the sunbeams and over all light. The shape of the mountains in the back has an interesting shape I think. Then you have the river that leads you into the picture. The composition is a home run with rule of phi (golden ratio), leading lines etc.

There you have it, pick number two out of ten. Tomorrow I pick a new photo. Click the follow button to be sure not to miss anything.

If you want to see some of my own photos be sure to jump over to:

Have a great day.

Wednesday, 17 December 2014

The Mona Lisa of photography

As a part of +The Arcanum we get different quests and completing them takes us to the next level. My current quest is to identify 10 photos that have had a profound impact on me and my photographing. In this post and the coming one's I will present my findings. Some of them is chosen because of the photographer and some because of the photograph.

The first one I have picked is:

Afghan Girl by Steve McCurry

I guess that this is one of the most famous portraits of all time. The Mona Lisa of photography. And if one where to compare them there are resembles between the two. The penetrating eyes, the mystic expression on the mouth.

Afghan girl is a very strong portrait, it really feels like her eyes penetrates you. Everything in the picture is enhancing those eyes. The simple background, the brown/red cloth, skin tone enhance the light green eyes.

You can't help thinking, who is she, what kind of life has she lived, what kind of life will she have, what are her thoughts, etc.

Well there you have it, my first pick. I'll try to make one pick a day for ten days so be sure to enter your e-mail to the left and click submit then you won't miss a post.

If you want to see some of my own photos be sure to jump over to:

Have a great day.

Friday, 5 December 2014


Well it's christmas time and as the most of us feel the urge of giving I'm now giving one of my prints to charity. This year I'm supporting the Swedish "Musikhjälpen" It's a tradition to lock up a couple of Swedish famous people in a glass cage for a week where they broadcast radio the whole time.

This year their theme is AIDS and HIV, every day 4000 people die in this disease.
Here is the link
It's in Swedish but please share the link in your socialmedia flow and let this photo earn a lot of money to the research to stop AIDS and HIV.

Here is the photo with my fiancee holding it. It's 55 times 75 cm, metallic print on Kapa 5 mm

Wish you all a great weekend

Saturday, 22 November 2014


As you read on my previous post I've been on vacation at Maspalomas, Canarie islands, Spain. Now we're back since yesterday afternoon. Lightroom is now working hard to import all the photos. I didn't shoot as much as I wanted. But I dedicated about one and a half day for shooting.

On Tuesday after being up at sunrise, well, before sunrise to shoot some pic's when the first sun hits the dunes of Maspalomas me and my fiancee with friends took the car and drove inlands up the mountains. Those serpentine paths isn't to play with. The clouds where very low and the rain was on and of. The mountains are truly beautiful with it's valleys and peaks.

I shot some panoramas over 5 pics so my Mac will have to work hard while stitching them together in Photoshop. I hope there is some gems there. However the first pic i processed was not a panorama but a stunning view.

The techie stuff
Nikon D800, Nikon 24-70 mm 2.8 @ 28 mm and @ f8. 5 exp HDR processed in Photomatix Pro, Color Efex Pro, Viveza, Lightroom.

Stay tuned for next weeks blog where more pics from Gran Canarie will follow.

Have a great weekend

#travel #travelphotograpy #landscape #landscapephotography 

Wednesday, 12 November 2014

Travel photography Maspalomas

Weiii on Friday we're of to Maspalomas, Grand Canarie, Spain. Me and my fiancée use to take a trip to the Canarie islands once in early spring and once in late autumn. We always vary between Grand Canarie and Tenerife depending on our mood. Tenerife for the dramatic landscape with high mountains and Teide as it's king. Grand Canarie for the beaches and a bit calmer landscape. We haven't been to any of the other islands.

Well this time it's Grand Canarie with it's great desert beach Maspalomas and this time I thought about not only shooting landscapes, vistas, sunrises and sunsets. I'm going to try and dig deeper in to the travel photography genre. Taking some online courses, reading some books so I'm feeling ready and you will see some results after my trip.

Thought I'll end this post with the popular segment "What's in my bag" or rather what gear will I bring to Grand Canarie, so here goes:

Nikon D800
Nikon D600 as backup

Nikon 14 - 24 mm 2.8, for those sunrise and grand vista shots
Nikon 24 - 70 mm 2.8, my "goto" lens, my all time favorite
Nikon 70 - 200 mm 2.8, mostly for photographing people, I think I'll use this more this time as I'm shooting for more travel type of photo.
Nikon 2.0 converter

Lee Big Stopper
Lee hard grad
Lee soft grad
Hoya polarizer

Gitzo and Gitzo ballhead

Camera strap:
Black Rapid

Lovepro Flipside 300

Nikon speedlight 700
Extra batteries

The shot below is from a sunrise in Maspalomas 12:th November 2013 very close to one year ago
Wish you all a great weekend and week.

+Maspalomas Costa Canaria  +Spain Guides  +CANARIE +Maspalomas +Ving Sverige - Vingresor #nikon +Nikon Shooters +Nikon USA

Friday, 7 November 2014


For many photographers autumn is the best time of the year. The color explosions in all the foliage. Nature makes it self ready for winter and everything slows down.

In Sweden this is true from mid September thru October. However November and early December are very grey, dark and gloomy. The days are short, it's dark when you leave for work and dark when you come home. As a photographer and person I mostly wait for the first snow, when everything brightens up. Nature dresses in it's best winter suit.

But for now grey, dark and gloomy will have to do and seriously you can make some great shots this time of the year. Aiming for some moodiness in your pictures isn't that hard. The weather is made for just that.

So the lesson this week is, get out and shoot no matter the season. It's a great time for som moody photos.

I leave you with this shot I took earlier today. I might gone a bit to far with the moodiness but I like it :-)

Have a great weekend all

Edward Scissorhands

Friday, 31 October 2014

Social Media

Now that I've been in to photographing for about 4 years I'm starting to see a growth of interested of my social media page's. Some more then others, at google plus near 12000 people have circled me. +Fredrik Larsson is my google plus page for you who haven't circled me already :-)

On the other hand my photo page on Facebook isn't growing the way that I want it to do. One reason being that I write all in Swedish there. Only about 315 "likes" on my page.

And on Instagram it's like Facebook about 400 followers. My all time low is on twitter, only 45 followers.

Why is this? I mean from 12000 to 45 is quite the drop :-) I guess one of the obvious reasons is the different public. +Guy Kawasaki described it like this:

Twitter = Perception, what happens here and now, for example "Car crash on route 66, 3 injured taken to hospital" Many uses twitter as an update status app, like - "Check out my new blog on shutter speed"

Instagram = Twitter, but with photo's. There is a lake with photo app's for your phone that intergrate with your instagram account. More and more people upload their DSLR pic's to instagram but I still think that phone photos are most common.

Facebook = People, those you want to stay close to, like family members, friends etc. Many update their status based on what they are doing, like "Ahh nothing beats a really hard workout" or "Having a drink on the beach" followed by a photo of a Pina Colada. Another common thing is sharing your baby/pet progress "Look at Steve's first steps" followed by a video. One of the most usual shares, to many annoyance is game invitations to like Candy Crush.

Google Plus = Passion, You have a passion? This is the place for you. For me, my passion is photography and this is made to share beautiful pictures. But also if your not into photographing, it's great. If your passion is dogs, cats, football, soccer, history, gadgets etc there are community's for everyone. With all the integrations with other google apps it can make your social media life online so much easier.

Conclusion :-)
Since my passion is photographing, my go to social media page is google plus, there is where i publish most posts. More posts and interaction = more that take an interest in what you are writing.

Beneath is screenprints on my accounts, if you click the name below the pic you get to that page. Why not "Like, follow or circle?" :-)

Have a great weekend all

Google plus


Saturday, 25 October 2014

Not a photo-blog, just a little :-)


Been in the kitchen all afternoon, the biggest party in my hometown is tonight. It's called "Ride around party" and it's not that easy to explain it, even in swedish :-) 
A lot of couples gets an invitation and get one of three tasks, appetizer, dinner or dessert. Of course we got dinner this year again... 
Then, a couple of days ago we got a letter telling us that we shall be on an adress for appetizers, there we stay for about 1,5 hour then we rush home (two other couples get a new letter at their first stop that they shall be at our home for dinner) we have two couples for dinner. After this we open a letter that says where we and the two other couples shall be for dessert (not the same adress) and at the last place after dessert we open a new letter where it says where the big party is at. About 300 couples does this during the evening (the best evening for the local taxi company) As I said in the beginning it's not that easy to explain this :-)

Well now all preparations are done and I do some processing, sipping a glas of wine for relaxing. So here is the result from the process:

*I follow*
Taken outside of Vetlanda, a nearby town.
HDR - Of Course :-) 5 exp
Photomatix Pro, Viveza 2 and Lightroom

Wish you all a great weekend (you from Europe, don't forget to set the wintertime tonight :-))

Wednesday, 15 October 2014

Getting better

Well it's been a tad over 4 years since I got my first DSLR and what a journey it has been. First shooting only in "green" mode, jpg, not processing at all and now aperture priority or manual, often manually focusing. Knowing what shutterspeed does to the photo, or dept of field. Using filters, thinking about composition and the "rules" and when to break them :-) Also learning more about post-processing like +Adobe Photoshop Lightroom and plug-ins like +Nik Collection by Google or Photomatix.
Going from showing my fiancee my pic's and she says ahhh great pic, to selling prints on regular basis.

I've literally eaten everything I got my hands on, books, online courses, exhibitions, etc. This has gotten me from the first pic to the second one. I think I'm getting better for every shot I take, always learning. One of the things I truly love about photography is that you never get to the place where you feel like I'm now fully learned.

The latest project is entering +The Arcanum with +Glenn Guy as my mentor hoping to take me to new heights.

Where have your journey taken you?

This is one of my first sunset pic's.

And this is my latest pic of the sunset.

Friday, 26 September 2014


As I’ve said before I attend the Arcanum a master/cohort type of learning. This is a great learning experience with the master +Glenn Guy  and my fellow apprentices. I’m getting critique and tips on what to do to make it better, then I head out in the field trying the new ideas. Well this can get somewhat overwhelming, much to take in. 

The other day I saw a short film by +Peter Giordano  about some of the new feathers in the Arcanum and one in particular that caught my interest, about setting goals. You can tell your fellow apprentices your goal with a particular photo, like “my goal with this photo is for the viewer to feel a certain feeling” and so on. Or you can make bigger goals, like I want to improve my street photography.

I think it is essential to set goals in what ever you do, that you want to improve. So what do I want to improve? Everything? Yes maybe but that wouldn’t be productive it’s like not seeing the forest because of all the three type of thing. I might want to narrow it down a bit. 

Ok, I would like to be able to take killer black and white shots. Still quite a wide goal, black and white shots of what? People? Architectural? Cityscape? Macro? 

I would like to be able to take killer black and white landscape shots. Ok we’re getting there, but still to big I think. Vistas? Macro? Seascape? Mountain?

I would like to be able to take killer black and white landscape shots with the emphases on “less is more” where the composition is crucial. 

Aaaah nearly there, but if you set a goal how to know when you achieve it? You need to be able to measure it. And how to measure this goal? That depends on your self. I’m going to state the measure “sold at least 5 different fine-art prints”

There you go, my goal for the time being. Of course I keep on shooting HDR, color landscape, macro and so forth, but in the back of my head I have my goal and thinking about it when I’m location scouting.

You all have a great weekend

And lastly I know this isn't a black and white pic, but I like the road going up to "nothingness" with a lot of empty space.

Monday, 1 September 2014

The Arcanum

I've been in to The Arcanum for about 2 weeks and I got to say I love the experience. The whole idea is to use the old master - apprentice deal, and this works really good now that the world has become so small via social media. There are one master with 20 apprentice communicating though Google plus witch works pretty good, some minor hick-ups but you have to know that the project hasn't been out of beta state for more then about 3 - 4 weeks.
The key is to interact with the cohort, the more you put in the more you get in return. Not only with the master, but also with your fellow apprentices. I'm sure looking forward towards getting to know all people in the cohort via posts and hangouts etc.

I wish you all a great week.

This photo is one from my level 3 challenge.

Thursday, 24 July 2014

Travel photography

Why not? Many photographers dream of this. To travel the world taking pictures for different magazines or travel agents. Who wouldn't want to go to the Bahamas taking photographs of the beautiful beaches?
But, then it wouldn't be a vacation. It would be your job with all that comes with it like deadlines, pictures of things/places that must be taken, weather conditions and so on. 
Now I go on vacation with my fiancee, who's not into photographing, and we have a deal. I can spend early mornings and one whole day taking photos. And I'm happy with this, I usualy come home with lots of pictures to process.
I'm doing this blog post from a bar i the town of Rhodos, Greece (it's my photo day of the vacation 😀) having a beer, you know from my google plus flow that I like beer. Could I've been here on work? Yes of course. But would I've been this relaxed? Well I don't know and I'm leaning against no.

I leave you with this pic taken on the beach of Rhodes and wish you all a relaxing weekend

Friday, 18 July 2014

First exhibition

My first exhibition ever is about a month away and I'm out chasing my last pic's for the show. I know what I'm aiming for. Having two floors the first is my passion, landscape concentrating on sunrises and sunsets. Second floor will be pic's from my hometown. Live in a town that is over 600 years old with the city center very well preserved, so photo ops is no problem :-)

I am super excited, my only concern is that I'm a perfectionist when it comes to my pic's. There is a list :-) that I work from.

1. NO errors, like dust spots, halos etc 
2. Would I put this on my wall?
3. How would I feel about having this on my wall for, say 3 years?
4. What do my fiancee think?

As you probably figured out, number four is quite important :-) The one beneath is in :-) 

Wish you all a great weekend


Saturday, 28 June 2014

Viveza - The forgotten one?

I love testing software to take my photos to a higher level. When it comes to my HDR photography I started with Nik's HDR Efex Pro. I was quite happy with it until I tried Photomatix Pro witch I simply love, it fits my needs perfectly.

But in the Nik Collection there are some pretty cool programs. I as I guess most of those who have tested the Collection started out with Silver Efex Pro who is an outstanding program for doing B/W photos. Also there is Color Efex Pro witch contains a lot of filter presets that you can change after own liking, a very powerful program.

Lately I've started using Viveza 2, not for finishing touches but for ideas where to take a certain photo. There are not that many controls, only four sliders, brightness, contrast, saturation and structure. This makes it perfect for me to get a feel for my photo and in what direction I want to take it. Beneath there are an example.

This is a photo I shoot an early morning April, the sun hadn't risen quite yet. I simply love the colors and the non existing horizon.

So for this first example I pulled quite much an the sliders to create a dramatic picture.

Second I made a soft, dreamy version

Last I went with something in between

All this was made in a couple of minuts.
Beneath is the final image, for full resolution klick.

I have payed full prize for both the Nik Collection and Photomatix Pro. I don't get any deals for this post.

Sunday, 13 April 2014

Safari preparations

I have plans on going on a safari in Africa this autumn or spring. Reading everything I can get my hands on like best period, weather, klimate, gear etc. There are plenty of companys to choose from and I haven't decided yet. If you have any suggestions please tell me in the comments below.

I know that practise makes perfect so I've started to try and catch some Swedish animals with my camera, earlier I almost only shot landscape. The advantage with this is that I've been out much and knows the nature around where I live. Starting last Friday I now bring my 70-200 mm f 2,8 and my 28-300 mm lens with my while I'm out scouting for nice landscape. 

The pic below is my first wildlife pic ever. It was taken last Friday, I had sent out invitations to mr Moose and mrs Venison, hoping they weren't busy. But it was a no show, only this little fellow showed up. Now don't get me wrong we had a great time the two of us :-). The pic is heavely cropped sense my Buddy was a bit shy. This is why I on Saturday bought the Nikon teleconverter TC-20E III AF-S cranking up my 70-200 to 140-400 mm hoping this will cure some of the shyness my friends have.

Thursday, 13 March 2014

HDR Tutorial

It’s been a while since my last post, for that I am sorry. 
But this post has been worth the wait I hope.
This is going to be a tutorial on my HDR workflow.

Last weekend I went for a walk in my hometown. This is a old backyard.
Here is where I start, 3 exposures. First one 2 stops underexposed, second one normal, third one 2 stops overexposed. I almost always shoot this way, even if it doesn’t seems like a HDR situation. Better to have them and throw them away then not having them when needed. This is the three I picked in a set about 10 different compositions I took. Here I like the stones in the bottom, the stone path leading to the door. I also like the framing of the whole photo.

After selecting these three pic’s I threw them in to Photomatix Pro that merges the three exposures in to one. First of all I press the default version (Photomatix always remembers the last HDR setting) so you have a starting point. I know that +Trey Ratcliff uses his presets as startingpoints but this way works good for me.

Ok, let the magic begin :-)

I always use, align and remove CA.
Once inside Photomatix, always start by clicking the default option top right side. Photomatix has a memory of an elephant so the the settings from the last processed picture is the preset.

Ok, let the fun begin I usually press the strength, color saturation and detail contrast very much to the right. In this picture though, the color saturation made the whole pic much to red.
Once I'm happy I press process. This is not the final image.

Now I look at the result and thinking about what more is needed. 
I think it needs some more structure in the middle and a bit brighter framing.
First I take the normal exposed photo and play with it in Lightroom, concentrating on the middle part of the image. 

Then I take the overexposed image, play with it in Lightroom concentrating on the red frame.

After this is done I take the three versions (the Photomatix one and the two I've played with in Lightroom) and open them in photoshop as layers.
Aligning them, put the Photomatix one on top and create a layer-mask and with a soft big brush on about 30% flow I paint in what I like from the layer beneath in this case the brighter framing one. Merge those two, create a new layer-mask and paint in what I like from the more contrasty one. Again merge. (sorry I forgot to "print screen" while I was in Photoshop)
When this is done I usually use a filter called Nik Efex Pro 4, there I play with some settings. Remember that you are going to do the same process in photoshop again, painting in the effects you like with a layer-mask and probably not at 100%.

This is the final version.

Hope you've enjoyed this tutorial and enjoy your weekend

Sunday, 19 January 2014

Best Top Photographer

I'm very excited, I got an assignment from Best Top Photographer group I am to pick the most beautiful photos every sunday. And there is a lot of beautiful photos being shared on BTP's google plus page. But it's a pleasant assignment, because who doesn't love watching beauty.

While looking for the cream of the crop I'm sure I get some tips and ideas for my own photographing. There are so much beauty out there that catches one's eyes, the problem isn't finding it, the problem is to narrow it down to fit my viewfinder.

Another thing I look forward to is my first winter wedding shoot. Some challenges lurking around something like that, as white on white (hoping for snow). But I think it's going to be a great session.

Today I will grab my "Big Stopper" and shoot some moving water, having ice and snow as backdrop. Stay tuned for the results.

Wishing you all a great sunday

Sunday, 12 January 2014

Wide angle view

Something that has changed since I got in to photographing is my own view. What I mean is, now I have a much wider view when I'm out driving, walking etc. I first heard about this phenomenon from +Trey Ratcliff on youtube. He had also experienced this, my guess is that most photographers get this "new" view of the world. Please give me some input, is this true or?

For instance before while driving my main focus was on taking me from A to B and not causing any accidents. Nowadays I have a wider view, of course at same time driving safe, it's not like I'm turning my head to and fro. No, it's like the sight at the corner of my eye's have improved. I can see a field far out to the corners that catches my eye's and then I turn my head and give it a glance estimating it's potential.

So what is it that catches my eye's? I guess it's what you're looking for as a photographer as leading lines, patterns or something that stands out. This simplify the scouting for great photo opportunities.

On the subject "scouting", yesterday I was on a scouting tour and went to my home where I was born and raised. This is on the countryside, knowing that our neighbors was some what eccentric I went there. Two brothers that had a little farm and they drove it like they did in the old days. Nowadays the brothers is in a retirement home and the farm hasn't been in use for many years creating a photographic wonderland. The pic's below are from yesterday. As usual you can visit my page for full rez pic's

I wish you all a great weekend

Saturday, 4 January 2014

2014 ... Watch out here I come :-)

It's about that time of the year when you shall reveal all goals and projects the coming year. Sense this is a blog about my photography, I will spare you goals about health and training. What 2014 have installed for me I don't know but I have some goals regarding my photographing.
Let's go ahead and list them.

My photographing
A year now I have been looking at different photo workshops, Iceland, Africa, south of France just to mention a few. This year I promise my self to take one of these trips. Perhaps some of you guys have a suggestions. This summer me and my fiancee is taking a trip that I really look forward to. We are taking the coast road north in Sweden ending up at Tromsö, Norway. Then we take the Norwegian coastline home. A 3 week journey, better pack lots of memory-cards. And the best part ... it was my fiancee's suggestion, she is not into photo at all.

My photographing II
I shoot very much HDR witch I love and will continue doing. Something I want to learn more about is night-photography, right now I'm reading up on this and taking some online courses very psyched about this. I will continue looking for great photo opportunities while I'm out driving, walking etc.

My web page
I have two pages, one in English and one in Swedish, both needs attending to. I need to make the Swedish one more attractive for potential customers such as weddings, portraits and so forth. It also need a major promotion tour. The English one I will make more easy to click around just looking at my pictures and easy to buy prints and downloads. I have a Smugmug account for the English one and I'm very satisfied with them.

Last year I sold some large prints, it's a very satisfying feeling when someone likes your work and want to put it on their wall. I have a collaboration with a local frame maker that works great. My goal for 2014 is to double the large print sales. This is somewhat related to the part above more accessible web page. Also talk to my local community perhaps hang some of my prints in restaurants or in display windows.

My blog
Trying to post a blog a week and publish some hands on tutorial will be my goal for this year so keep following me and I hope I won't disappoint you.

Leaving you with a photo taken last winter sense the snow hasn't come yet, global warming I guess. Right now I'm longing for snow so I can head out and take some great snowscapes. Please leave a note below to have a say.
As always more pic's is to be found on my page

I wish you all a great 2014

Monday, 29 December 2014

The Humanitarian

So we are here at last, number 10 on my list of photos/photographers that have done a profound impact on me and my photography. This is part of a quest given to me from my master +Glenn Guy at +The Arcanum 

Pick number 10:

The Racetrack at Sunset by +Colby Brown 

Well, what is there not to love in this photo. The powerful sky with the colorful clouds, horizon placed a third down. If you go for phi composition the foreground stone maybe is a tad to low but I think it works great in this photo. Perfect leading line in to the picture and an interesting pattern in the ground.

I have followed Colby Brown for a while, one reason being for his beautiful photos. But also for his humanitary work. He started The giving lensan organization that attempts to blend photo education and giving back to local communities through sustainable development projects. TGL offers photography workshops in various countries around the world that allow you to not only futher your photography skills, but make a difference in the lives of those you work with along the way.

Well that was my last pic for this quest, hoping +Glenn Guy passes me and let me go to the next level. :-)

If you want to see some of my photos be sure to head over to:
Wishing you all a great New Years eve

Sunday, 28 December 2014

The Educator

Ok, we have arrived on number 9 on my list for a quest at +The Arcanum in +Glenn Guy 's cohort.
This is a man that has produced tons of educational books and videos and have taken me from a totally newbie to where I am today. Now I'm hoping this wonderful experience with Arcanum will help me to the next level in my photography.

Pick number 9:

This is a powerful portrait, lighten just right to emphasize the toughness in the player. Also the processing, tight crop and composition underlines this. 
Scott Kelby has produced many books on retouching, Lightroom and Photoshop. He also produces +KelbyOne where you can get videos on virtually anything in photography. I've looked at several of them for example +Moose Peterson , +Joe McNally and many more.

This is a part of a quest in +The Arcanum in +Glenn Guy 's cohort, where I'm to pick ten photos or photographers that have had a profound impact on me and my photographing. This is pick number 8.

If you want to see some of my photos be sure to head over to:

Wish you all a great day.

Saturday, 27 December 2014

The traveling man

Ok we are at pick number 8 in my quest at +The Arcanum  in +Glenn Guy  's cohort. Today's pic is a man who in an intervju in +Fstoppers  (I think it was) said that he has been on the go for the last 3 years with no current adress. He has traveled the world and what I think he is now doing a video with Fstoppers.

Pick number 8 is:

Winds of inspiration, Japan by +Elia Locardi 

In this photo Elia has thought about everything, right moment, right light, right processing, right composition etc. The reason for this pic and Elia is that he emphasizes how important the right time is for a photo. Like here, perfect condition for the mountain in the back and the valley, great light on the blossom and the temple. Many, me included bring our camera on our vacations and dedicates perhaps a day photographing hoping for the right conditions. And it's nothing wrong with that but you have to have a great deal of luck, but the photos are sure good enough for the family album but perhaps not good enough for your portfolio. He says that he visit the sight day's in a row to get the right light, sometimes over a week. Learning point - be patient.

This is a part of a quest in +The Arcanum in +Glenn Guy 's cohort, where I'm to pick ten photos or photographers that have had a profound impact on me and my photographing. This is pick number 8.

If you want to see some of my photos be sure to head over to:

Wish you all a great weekend.

Wednesday, 24 December 2014

The HDR master

When I continue my list there is one man that I simply can't leave out, it is one of the founders ot +The Arcanum, you guessed it, +Trey Ratcliff. He is one of the reasons that I got in to shooting HDR. I've read several of his books, seen many tutorials and bought a bunch of his presets for different software.

The pick I've chosen is:

The Bamboo Forest by Trey Ratcliff

This pic is a bit like Judast Priest would have put it "Breaking the law" with the walk way smack dow in the middle. But here it works, rules are there to be broken. You only got to know when it enhances the photo. Here you have great symmetry in the bamboo on both sides of the pathway. And the pathway as a leading line leading you deeper in to the picture. I love the use of the soft light and the processing making the look kind of dreamy, like taken from a fairy tail. 

This is a part of a quest in +The Arcanum in +Glenn Guy 's cohort, where I'm to pick ten photos or photographers that have had a profound impact on me and my photographing. This is pick number 7.

If you want to see some of my photos be sure to head over to:

Wish you all a Merry Christmas

Tuesday, 23 December 2014

Polar Obsession

This is a part of a quest in +The Arcanum in +Glenn Guy 's cohort, where I'm to pick ten photos or photographers that have had a profound impact on me and my photographing. This is pick number 6.

Polar Bear Reflection by Paul Nicklen

This one have caught my eye for a long time, I think it is a beautiful photo that shows a fragile side of this magnificent animal. The polar bears eyes are following you and that is something that is important in wildlife photography, miss the eyes and miss the shot. The ice on top left ads to the photo to I think, the curve is the same on the ice as on the reflected polar bears back. The simple color palett is also something that enhances the moment I think.

This is what Paul him self said about the making of this picture:

"This picture of the polar bear diving underneath the ice and the water reflection. I had first drawn on a piece of paper ten years beforehand.
And I have been trying for ten years, every year going up to the Arctic trying to get that one shot of that bear diving underneath the water like that, and get a nice underwater picture to show people a look of a bear that they haven't seen before."

Paul Nicklen uses his camera to reweal what global warming is doing to the ice and what impact this has on the wildlife.

Ok, this was pic number six, stay tuned for my next pic. Fill in your e-mail adress to the left and click submit to be sure not to miss a post.

If you want to see some of my photos be sure to head over to:

Wish you all a Merry Christmas

Monday, 22 December 2014

The Virtuoso of Noir Monocrome

Todays pick is a quite new acquaintance, This is a part of a quest in +The Arcanum in +Glenn Guy 's cohort, where I'm to pick ten photos or photographers that have had a profound impact on me and my photographing.

This is pick number 5.

Huangshan mountans, study 42 - Michael Kenna

This photo takes the importas of layers to create depth to a completly new level. There is a enormous dept in this case. Love that it goes from dark to almoust completely white at the top. The mist/fog enhance the dept feeling. I get the feeling of infinity because of the wast distance to the horizon.

The reason why I got my eyes on Michael Kenna is a comment I got on a previous blog post, where +Dag Ole Nordhaug said that the photo was a bit "Kenna'ish". Then I looked at his work and I just loved it, simple but with great impact and something I want to learn more from.

Ok, this was pic number five, stay tuned for my next pic tomorrow. Fill in your e-mail adress to the left and click submit to be sure not to miss a post.

If you want to see some of my photos be sure to head over to:

Wish you all a great Monday

Saturday, 20 December 2014

The Globetrotter

So what have I picked to day? This is one of the most famous landscape/wildlife/travel photographer there is. He has produced tons of books. Living in Seattle but mostly on the go somewhere in the world. He holds work classes all over the world and a dream of mine would to be to attend one of these, Polar Bears or the great migration. I'm of cause talking about +Art Wolfe

This is a part of a quest in +The Arcanum in +Glenn Guy 's cohort, where I'm to pick ten photos or photographers that have had a profound impact on me and my photographing. This is pick number 4.

Taken in Katmai National park in Alaska, you almost feel like you are there. Waiting for the bear to charge at you. Wolfe really takes you to the place where this was taken. Great movement and impact in the photo. The composition, putting the bear in the middle I think is a great choice. There is so much action in this pic anyway.

Ok, this was pic number four, stay tuned for my next pic tomorrow. Fill in your e-mail adress to the left and click submit to be sure not to miss a post.

If you want to see some of my photos be sure to head over to:

Wish you all a great Saturday

Friday, 19 December 2014

The HDR wizard of the north

Next in line of photographers is a bit of a wild card, it is +Jacob Surland a Danish photographer who not only is a great on HDR, he's also a fellow Arcanian at +The Arcanum he is in +Robin Griggs Wood cohort while I'm in +Glenn Guy cohort. He is one of the reasons that I got in a bit deaper with processing in HDR and he's just a great guy to talk to over at Google+. He runs a great blog with lot's of free tutorials at

This is a part of +The Arcanum and my level 7 quest. Where I'm to pick 10 photos that have had a profound impact on me and my photography.

And we have now reached pick number 3

The Christmas Viking Ship by Jacob Surland'

Perfectly aligned with phi, leading lines. This nearly feels like 3-D. I'm not a big fan of selective colors but in this case I thing it works great.

A stranded ship with a big sky above get me thinking about the old Viking gods like Odin and Thor. Great work and it's a privilege to follow you and your work +Jacob Surland 

Thursday, 18 December 2014

The grandmaster of Landscape photography

As a part of +The Arcanum, where +Glenn Guy is my master, we get different quests and completing them takes us to the next level. My current quest is to identify 10 photos that have had a profound impact on me and my photographing.

Pick number two:

Tetons and the Snake River by Ansel Adams 1942

As a landscape photographer I can't leave Ansel Adams outside this list. He was an American photographer best known for his iconic images of the American west.

This photo of the Tetons appeals to me for several reasons. One being that I've only been into photography for about 4 years when I bought my first DSLR, a Nikon D3000. Given that I've only lived in the digital darkroom and never worked with film. I think it is astonishing to be able to get this result on film. The details in the for and middle ground, perfectly balanced high-lights with the sunbeams and over all light. The shape of the mountains in the back has an interesting shape I think. Then you have the river that leads you into the picture. The composition is a home run with rule of phi (golden ratio), leading lines etc.

There you have it, pick number two out of ten. Tomorrow I pick a new photo. Click the follow button to be sure not to miss anything.

If you want to see some of my own photos be sure to jump over to:

Have a great day.

Wednesday, 17 December 2014

The Mona Lisa of photography

As a part of +The Arcanum we get different quests and completing them takes us to the next level. My current quest is to identify 10 photos that have had a profound impact on me and my photographing. In this post and the coming one's I will present my findings. Some of them is chosen because of the photographer and some because of the photograph.

The first one I have picked is:

Afghan Girl by Steve McCurry

I guess that this is one of the most famous portraits of all time. The Mona Lisa of photography. And if one where to compare them there are resembles between the two. The penetrating eyes, the mystic expression on the mouth.

Afghan girl is a very strong portrait, it really feels like her eyes penetrates you. Everything in the picture is enhancing those eyes. The simple background, the brown/red cloth, skin tone enhance the light green eyes.

You can't help thinking, who is she, what kind of life has she lived, what kind of life will she have, what are her thoughts, etc.

Well there you have it, my first pick. I'll try to make one pick a day for ten days so be sure to enter your e-mail to the left and click submit then you won't miss a post.

If you want to see some of my own photos be sure to jump over to:

Have a great day.

Friday, 5 December 2014


Well it's christmas time and as the most of us feel the urge of giving I'm now giving one of my prints to charity. This year I'm supporting the Swedish "Musikhjälpen" It's a tradition to lock up a couple of Swedish famous people in a glass cage for a week where they broadcast radio the whole time.

This year their theme is AIDS and HIV, every day 4000 people die in this disease.
Here is the link
It's in Swedish but please share the link in your socialmedia flow and let this photo earn a lot of money to the research to stop AIDS and HIV.

Here is the photo with my fiancee holding it. It's 55 times 75 cm, metallic print on Kapa 5 mm

Wish you all a great weekend

Saturday, 22 November 2014


As you read on my previous post I've been on vacation at Maspalomas, Canarie islands, Spain. Now we're back since yesterday afternoon. Lightroom is now working hard to import all the photos. I didn't shoot as much as I wanted. But I dedicated about one and a half day for shooting.

On Tuesday after being up at sunrise, well, before sunrise to shoot some pic's when the first sun hits the dunes of Maspalomas me and my fiancee with friends took the car and drove inlands up the mountains. Those serpentine paths isn't to play with. The clouds where very low and the rain was on and of. The mountains are truly beautiful with it's valleys and peaks.

I shot some panoramas over 5 pics so my Mac will have to work hard while stitching them together in Photoshop. I hope there is some gems there. However the first pic i processed was not a panorama but a stunning view.

The techie stuff
Nikon D800, Nikon 24-70 mm 2.8 @ 28 mm and @ f8. 5 exp HDR processed in Photomatix Pro, Color Efex Pro, Viveza, Lightroom.

Stay tuned for next weeks blog where more pics from Gran Canarie will follow.

Have a great weekend

#travel #travelphotograpy #landscape #landscapephotography 

Wednesday, 12 November 2014

Travel photography Maspalomas

Weiii on Friday we're of to Maspalomas, Grand Canarie, Spain. Me and my fiancée use to take a trip to the Canarie islands once in early spring and once in late autumn. We always vary between Grand Canarie and Tenerife depending on our mood. Tenerife for the dramatic landscape with high mountains and Teide as it's king. Grand Canarie for the beaches and a bit calmer landscape. We haven't been to any of the other islands.

Well this time it's Grand Canarie with it's great desert beach Maspalomas and this time I thought about not only shooting landscapes, vistas, sunrises and sunsets. I'm going to try and dig deeper in to the travel photography genre. Taking some online courses, reading some books so I'm feeling ready and you will see some results after my trip.

Thought I'll end this post with the popular segment "What's in my bag" or rather what gear will I bring to Grand Canarie, so here goes:

Nikon D800
Nikon D600 as backup

Nikon 14 - 24 mm 2.8, for those sunrise and grand vista shots
Nikon 24 - 70 mm 2.8, my "goto" lens, my all time favorite
Nikon 70 - 200 mm 2.8, mostly for photographing people, I think I'll use this more this time as I'm shooting for more travel type of photo.
Nikon 2.0 converter

Lee Big Stopper
Lee hard grad
Lee soft grad
Hoya polarizer

Gitzo and Gitzo ballhead

Camera strap:
Black Rapid

Lovepro Flipside 300

Nikon speedlight 700
Extra batteries

The shot below is from a sunrise in Maspalomas 12:th November 2013 very close to one year ago
Wish you all a great weekend and week.

+Maspalomas Costa Canaria  +Spain Guides  +CANARIE +Maspalomas +Ving Sverige - Vingresor #nikon +Nikon Shooters +Nikon USA

Friday, 7 November 2014


For many photographers autumn is the best time of the year. The color explosions in all the foliage. Nature makes it self ready for winter and everything slows down.

In Sweden this is true from mid September thru October. However November and early December are very grey, dark and gloomy. The days are short, it's dark when you leave for work and dark when you come home. As a photographer and person I mostly wait for the first snow, when everything brightens up. Nature dresses in it's best winter suit.

But for now grey, dark and gloomy will have to do and seriously you can make some great shots this time of the year. Aiming for some moodiness in your pictures isn't that hard. The weather is made for just that.

So the lesson this week is, get out and shoot no matter the season. It's a great time for som moody photos.

I leave you with this shot I took earlier today. I might gone a bit to far with the moodiness but I like it :-)

Have a great weekend all

Edward Scissorhands

Friday, 31 October 2014

Social Media

Now that I've been in to photographing for about 4 years I'm starting to see a growth of interested of my social media page's. Some more then others, at google plus near 12000 people have circled me. +Fredrik Larsson is my google plus page for you who haven't circled me already :-)

On the other hand my photo page on Facebook isn't growing the way that I want it to do. One reason being that I write all in Swedish there. Only about 315 "likes" on my page.

And on Instagram it's like Facebook about 400 followers. My all time low is on twitter, only 45 followers.

Why is this? I mean from 12000 to 45 is quite the drop :-) I guess one of the obvious reasons is the different public. +Guy Kawasaki described it like this:

Twitter = Perception, what happens here and now, for example "Car crash on route 66, 3 injured taken to hospital" Many uses twitter as an update status app, like - "Check out my new blog on shutter speed"

Instagram = Twitter, but with photo's. There is a lake with photo app's for your phone that intergrate with your instagram account. More and more people upload their DSLR pic's to instagram but I still think that phone photos are most common.

Facebook = People, those you want to stay close to, like family members, friends etc. Many update their status based on what they are doing, like "Ahh nothing beats a really hard workout" or "Having a drink on the beach" followed by a photo of a Pina Colada. Another common thing is sharing your baby/pet progress "Look at Steve's first steps" followed by a video. One of the most usual shares, to many annoyance is game invitations to like Candy Crush.

Google Plus = Passion, You have a passion? This is the place for you. For me, my passion is photography and this is made to share beautiful pictures. But also if your not into photographing, it's great. If your passion is dogs, cats, football, soccer, history, gadgets etc there are community's for everyone. With all the integrations with other google apps it can make your social media life online so much easier.

Conclusion :-)
Since my passion is photographing, my go to social media page is google plus, there is where i publish most posts. More posts and interaction = more that take an interest in what you are writing.

Beneath is screenprints on my accounts, if you click the name below the pic you get to that page. Why not "Like, follow or circle?" :-)

Have a great weekend all

Google plus


Saturday, 25 October 2014

Not a photo-blog, just a little :-)


Been in the kitchen all afternoon, the biggest party in my hometown is tonight. It's called "Ride around party" and it's not that easy to explain it, even in swedish :-) 
A lot of couples gets an invitation and get one of three tasks, appetizer, dinner or dessert. Of course we got dinner this year again... 
Then, a couple of days ago we got a letter telling us that we shall be on an adress for appetizers, there we stay for about 1,5 hour then we rush home (two other couples get a new letter at their first stop that they shall be at our home for dinner) we have two couples for dinner. After this we open a letter that says where we and the two other couples shall be for dessert (not the same adress) and at the last place after dessert we open a new letter where it says where the big party is at. About 300 couples does this during the evening (the best evening for the local taxi company) As I said in the beginning it's not that easy to explain this :-)

Well now all preparations are done and I do some processing, sipping a glas of wine for relaxing. So here is the result from the process:

*I follow*
Taken outside of Vetlanda, a nearby town.
HDR - Of Course :-) 5 exp
Photomatix Pro, Viveza 2 and Lightroom

Wish you all a great weekend (you from Europe, don't forget to set the wintertime tonight :-))

Wednesday, 15 October 2014

Getting better

Well it's been a tad over 4 years since I got my first DSLR and what a journey it has been. First shooting only in "green" mode, jpg, not processing at all and now aperture priority or manual, often manually focusing. Knowing what shutterspeed does to the photo, or dept of field. Using filters, thinking about composition and the "rules" and when to break them :-) Also learning more about post-processing like +Adobe Photoshop Lightroom and plug-ins like +Nik Collection by Google or Photomatix.
Going from showing my fiancee my pic's and she says ahhh great pic, to selling prints on regular basis.

I've literally eaten everything I got my hands on, books, online courses, exhibitions, etc. This has gotten me from the first pic to the second one. I think I'm getting better for every shot I take, always learning. One of the things I truly love about photography is that you never get to the place where you feel like I'm now fully learned.

The latest project is entering +The Arcanum with +Glenn Guy as my mentor hoping to take me to new heights.

Where have your journey taken you?

This is one of my first sunset pic's.

And this is my latest pic of the sunset.

Friday, 26 September 2014


As I’ve said before I attend the Arcanum a master/cohort type of learning. This is a great learning experience with the master +Glenn Guy  and my fellow apprentices. I’m getting critique and tips on what to do to make it better, then I head out in the field trying the new ideas. Well this can get somewhat overwhelming, much to take in. 

The other day I saw a short film by +Peter Giordano  about some of the new feathers in the Arcanum and one in particular that caught my interest, about setting goals. You can tell your fellow apprentices your goal with a particular photo, like “my goal with this photo is for the viewer to feel a certain feeling” and so on. Or you can make bigger goals, like I want to improve my street photography.

I think it is essential to set goals in what ever you do, that you want to improve. So what do I want to improve? Everything? Yes maybe but that wouldn’t be productive it’s like not seeing the forest because of all the three type of thing. I might want to narrow it down a bit. 

Ok, I would like to be able to take killer black and white shots. Still quite a wide goal, black and white shots of what? People? Architectural? Cityscape? Macro? 

I would like to be able to take killer black and white landscape shots. Ok we’re getting there, but still to big I think. Vistas? Macro? Seascape? Mountain?

I would like to be able to take killer black and white landscape shots with the emphases on “less is more” where the composition is crucial. 

Aaaah nearly there, but if you set a goal how to know when you achieve it? You need to be able to measure it. And how to measure this goal? That depends on your self. I’m going to state the measure “sold at least 5 different fine-art prints”

There you go, my goal for the time being. Of course I keep on shooting HDR, color landscape, macro and so forth, but in the back of my head I have my goal and thinking about it when I’m location scouting.

You all have a great weekend

And lastly I know this isn't a black and white pic, but I like the road going up to "nothingness" with a lot of empty space.

Monday, 1 September 2014

The Arcanum

I've been in to The Arcanum for about 2 weeks and I got to say I love the experience. The whole idea is to use the old master - apprentice deal, and this works really good now that the world has become so small via social media. There are one master with 20 apprentice communicating though Google plus witch works pretty good, some minor hick-ups but you have to know that the project hasn't been out of beta state for more then about 3 - 4 weeks.
The key is to interact with the cohort, the more you put in the more you get in return. Not only with the master, but also with your fellow apprentices. I'm sure looking forward towards getting to know all people in the cohort via posts and hangouts etc.

I wish you all a great week.

This photo is one from my level 3 challenge.

Thursday, 24 July 2014

Travel photography

Why not? Many photographers dream of this. To travel the world taking pictures for different magazines or travel agents. Who wouldn't want to go to the Bahamas taking photographs of the beautiful beaches?
But, then it wouldn't be a vacation. It would be your job with all that comes with it like deadlines, pictures of things/places that must be taken, weather conditions and so on. 
Now I go on vacation with my fiancee, who's not into photographing, and we have a deal. I can spend early mornings and one whole day taking photos. And I'm happy with this, I usualy come home with lots of pictures to process.
I'm doing this blog post from a bar i the town of Rhodos, Greece (it's my photo day of the vacation 😀) having a beer, you know from my google plus flow that I like beer. Could I've been here on work? Yes of course. But would I've been this relaxed? Well I don't know and I'm leaning against no.

I leave you with this pic taken on the beach of Rhodes and wish you all a relaxing weekend

Friday, 18 July 2014

First exhibition

My first exhibition ever is about a month away and I'm out chasing my last pic's for the show. I know what I'm aiming for. Having two floors the first is my passion, landscape concentrating on sunrises and sunsets. Second floor will be pic's from my hometown. Live in a town that is over 600 years old with the city center very well preserved, so photo ops is no problem :-)

I am super excited, my only concern is that I'm a perfectionist when it comes to my pic's. There is a list :-) that I work from.

1. NO errors, like dust spots, halos etc 
2. Would I put this on my wall?
3. How would I feel about having this on my wall for, say 3 years?
4. What do my fiancee think?

As you probably figured out, number four is quite important :-) The one beneath is in :-) 

Wish you all a great weekend


Saturday, 28 June 2014

Viveza - The forgotten one?

I love testing software to take my photos to a higher level. When it comes to my HDR photography I started with Nik's HDR Efex Pro. I was quite happy with it until I tried Photomatix Pro witch I simply love, it fits my needs perfectly.

But in the Nik Collection there are some pretty cool programs. I as I guess most of those who have tested the Collection started out with Silver Efex Pro who is an outstanding program for doing B/W photos. Also there is Color Efex Pro witch contains a lot of filter presets that you can change after own liking, a very powerful program.

Lately I've started using Viveza 2, not for finishing touches but for ideas where to take a certain photo. There are not that many controls, only four sliders, brightness, contrast, saturation and structure. This makes it perfect for me to get a feel for my photo and in what direction I want to take it. Beneath there are an example.

This is a photo I shoot an early morning April, the sun hadn't risen quite yet. I simply love the colors and the non existing horizon.

So for this first example I pulled quite much an the sliders to create a dramatic picture.

Second I made a soft, dreamy version

Last I went with something in between

All this was made in a couple of minuts.
Beneath is the final image, for full resolution klick.

I have payed full prize for both the Nik Collection and Photomatix Pro. I don't get any deals for this post.

Sunday, 13 April 2014

Safari preparations

I have plans on going on a safari in Africa this autumn or spring. Reading everything I can get my hands on like best period, weather, klimate, gear etc. There are plenty of companys to choose from and I haven't decided yet. If you have any suggestions please tell me in the comments below.

I know that practise makes perfect so I've started to try and catch some Swedish animals with my camera, earlier I almost only shot landscape. The advantage with this is that I've been out much and knows the nature around where I live. Starting last Friday I now bring my 70-200 mm f 2,8 and my 28-300 mm lens with my while I'm out scouting for nice landscape. 

The pic below is my first wildlife pic ever. It was taken last Friday, I had sent out invitations to mr Moose and mrs Venison, hoping they weren't busy. But it was a no show, only this little fellow showed up. Now don't get me wrong we had a great time the two of us :-). The pic is heavely cropped sense my Buddy was a bit shy. This is why I on Saturday bought the Nikon teleconverter TC-20E III AF-S cranking up my 70-200 to 140-400 mm hoping this will cure some of the shyness my friends have.

Thursday, 13 March 2014

HDR Tutorial

It’s been a while since my last post, for that I am sorry. 
But this post has been worth the wait I hope.
This is going to be a tutorial on my HDR workflow.

Last weekend I went for a walk in my hometown. This is a old backyard.
Here is where I start, 3 exposures. First one 2 stops underexposed, second one normal, third one 2 stops overexposed. I almost always shoot this way, even if it doesn’t seems like a HDR situation. Better to have them and throw them away then not having them when needed. This is the three I picked in a set about 10 different compositions I took. Here I like the stones in the bottom, the stone path leading to the door. I also like the framing of the whole photo.

After selecting these three pic’s I threw them in to Photomatix Pro that merges the three exposures in to one. First of all I press the default version (Photomatix always remembers the last HDR setting) so you have a starting point. I know that +Trey Ratcliff uses his presets as startingpoints but this way works good for me.

Ok, let the magic begin :-)

I always use, align and remove CA.
Once inside Photomatix, always start by clicking the default option top right side. Photomatix has a memory of an elephant so the the settings from the last processed picture is the preset.

Ok, let the fun begin I usually press the strength, color saturation and detail contrast very much to the right. In this picture though, the color saturation made the whole pic much to red.
Once I'm happy I press process. This is not the final image.

Now I look at the result and thinking about what more is needed. 
I think it needs some more structure in the middle and a bit brighter framing.
First I take the normal exposed photo and play with it in Lightroom, concentrating on the middle part of the image. 

Then I take the overexposed image, play with it in Lightroom concentrating on the red frame.

After this is done I take the three versions (the Photomatix one and the two I've played with in Lightroom) and open them in photoshop as layers.
Aligning them, put the Photomatix one on top and create a layer-mask and with a soft big brush on about 30% flow I paint in what I like from the layer beneath in this case the brighter framing one. Merge those two, create a new layer-mask and paint in what I like from the more contrasty one. Again merge. (sorry I forgot to "print screen" while I was in Photoshop)
When this is done I usually use a filter called Nik Efex Pro 4, there I play with some settings. Remember that you are going to do the same process in photoshop again, painting in the effects you like with a layer-mask and probably not at 100%.

This is the final version.

Hope you've enjoyed this tutorial and enjoy your weekend

Sunday, 19 January 2014

Best Top Photographer

I'm very excited, I got an assignment from Best Top Photographer group I am to pick the most beautiful photos every sunday. And there is a lot of beautiful photos being shared on BTP's google plus page. But it's a pleasant assignment, because who doesn't love watching beauty.

While looking for the cream of the crop I'm sure I get some tips and ideas for my own photographing. There are so much beauty out there that catches one's eyes, the problem isn't finding it, the problem is to narrow it down to fit my viewfinder.

Another thing I look forward to is my first winter wedding shoot. Some challenges lurking around something like that, as white on white (hoping for snow). But I think it's going to be a great session.

Today I will grab my "Big Stopper" and shoot some moving water, having ice and snow as backdrop. Stay tuned for the results.

Wishing you all a great sunday

Sunday, 12 January 2014

Wide angle view

Something that has changed since I got in to photographing is my own view. What I mean is, now I have a much wider view when I'm out driving, walking etc. I first heard about this phenomenon from +Trey Ratcliff on youtube. He had also experienced this, my guess is that most photographers get this "new" view of the world. Please give me some input, is this true or?

For instance before while driving my main focus was on taking me from A to B and not causing any accidents. Nowadays I have a wider view, of course at same time driving safe, it's not like I'm turning my head to and fro. No, it's like the sight at the corner of my eye's have improved. I can see a field far out to the corners that catches my eye's and then I turn my head and give it a glance estimating it's potential.

So what is it that catches my eye's? I guess it's what you're looking for as a photographer as leading lines, patterns or something that stands out. This simplify the scouting for great photo opportunities.

On the subject "scouting", yesterday I was on a scouting tour and went to my home where I was born and raised. This is on the countryside, knowing that our neighbors was some what eccentric I went there. Two brothers that had a little farm and they drove it like they did in the old days. Nowadays the brothers is in a retirement home and the farm hasn't been in use for many years creating a photographic wonderland. The pic's below are from yesterday. As usual you can visit my page for full rez pic's

I wish you all a great weekend

Saturday, 4 January 2014

2014 ... Watch out here I come :-)

It's about that time of the year when you shall reveal all goals and projects the coming year. Sense this is a blog about my photography, I will spare you goals about health and training. What 2014 have installed for me I don't know but I have some goals regarding my photographing.
Let's go ahead and list them.

My photographing
A year now I have been looking at different photo workshops, Iceland, Africa, south of France just to mention a few. This year I promise my self to take one of these trips. Perhaps some of you guys have a suggestions. This summer me and my fiancee is taking a trip that I really look forward to. We are taking the coast road north in Sweden ending up at Tromsö, Norway. Then we take the Norwegian coastline home. A 3 week journey, better pack lots of memory-cards. And the best part ... it was my fiancee's suggestion, she is not into photo at all.

My photographing II
I shoot very much HDR witch I love and will continue doing. Something I want to learn more about is night-photography, right now I'm reading up on this and taking some online courses very psyched about this. I will continue looking for great photo opportunities while I'm out driving, walking etc.

My web page
I have two pages, one in English and one in Swedish, both needs attending to. I need to make the Swedish one more attractive for potential customers such as weddings, portraits and so forth. It also need a major promotion tour. The English one I will make more easy to click around just looking at my pictures and easy to buy prints and downloads. I have a Smugmug account for the English one and I'm very satisfied with them.

Last year I sold some large prints, it's a very satisfying feeling when someone likes your work and want to put it on their wall. I have a collaboration with a local frame maker that works great. My goal for 2014 is to double the large print sales. This is somewhat related to the part above more accessible web page. Also talk to my local community perhaps hang some of my prints in restaurants or in display windows.

My blog
Trying to post a blog a week and publish some hands on tutorial will be my goal for this year so keep following me and I hope I won't disappoint you.

Leaving you with a photo taken last winter sense the snow hasn't come yet, global warming I guess. Right now I'm longing for snow so I can head out and take some great snowscapes. Please leave a note below to have a say.
As always more pic's is to be found on my page

I wish you all a great 2014