Saturday, 22 November 2014


As you read on my previous post I've been on vacation at Maspalomas, Canarie islands, Spain. Now we're back since yesterday afternoon. Lightroom is now working hard to import all the photos. I didn't shoot as much as I wanted. But I dedicated about one and a half day for shooting.

On Tuesday after being up at sunrise, well, before sunrise to shoot some pic's when the first sun hits the dunes of Maspalomas me and my fiancee with friends took the car and drove inlands up the mountains. Those serpentine paths isn't to play with. The clouds where very low and the rain was on and of. The mountains are truly beautiful with it's valleys and peaks.

I shot some panoramas over 5 pics so my Mac will have to work hard while stitching them together in Photoshop. I hope there is some gems there. However the first pic i processed was not a panorama but a stunning view.

The techie stuff
Nikon D800, Nikon 24-70 mm 2.8 @ 28 mm and @ f8. 5 exp HDR processed in Photomatix Pro, Color Efex Pro, Viveza, Lightroom.

Stay tuned for next weeks blog where more pics from Gran Canarie will follow.

Have a great weekend

#travel #travelphotograpy #landscape #landscapephotography 

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Saturday, 22 November 2014


As you read on my previous post I've been on vacation at Maspalomas, Canarie islands, Spain. Now we're back since yesterday afternoon. Lightroom is now working hard to import all the photos. I didn't shoot as much as I wanted. But I dedicated about one and a half day for shooting.

On Tuesday after being up at sunrise, well, before sunrise to shoot some pic's when the first sun hits the dunes of Maspalomas me and my fiancee with friends took the car and drove inlands up the mountains. Those serpentine paths isn't to play with. The clouds where very low and the rain was on and of. The mountains are truly beautiful with it's valleys and peaks.

I shot some panoramas over 5 pics so my Mac will have to work hard while stitching them together in Photoshop. I hope there is some gems there. However the first pic i processed was not a panorama but a stunning view.

The techie stuff
Nikon D800, Nikon 24-70 mm 2.8 @ 28 mm and @ f8. 5 exp HDR processed in Photomatix Pro, Color Efex Pro, Viveza, Lightroom.

Stay tuned for next weeks blog where more pics from Gran Canarie will follow.

Have a great weekend

#travel #travelphotograpy #landscape #landscapephotography 

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