Friday, 18 July 2014

First exhibition

My first exhibition ever is about a month away and I'm out chasing my last pic's for the show. I know what I'm aiming for. Having two floors the first is my passion, landscape concentrating on sunrises and sunsets. Second floor will be pic's from my hometown. Live in a town that is over 600 years old with the city center very well preserved, so photo ops is no problem :-)

I am super excited, my only concern is that I'm a perfectionist when it comes to my pic's. There is a list :-) that I work from.

1. NO errors, like dust spots, halos etc 
2. Would I put this on my wall?
3. How would I feel about having this on my wall for, say 3 years?
4. What do my fiancee think?

As you probably figured out, number four is quite important :-) The one beneath is in :-) 

Wish you all a great weekend


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Friday, 18 July 2014

First exhibition

My first exhibition ever is about a month away and I'm out chasing my last pic's for the show. I know what I'm aiming for. Having two floors the first is my passion, landscape concentrating on sunrises and sunsets. Second floor will be pic's from my hometown. Live in a town that is over 600 years old with the city center very well preserved, so photo ops is no problem :-)

I am super excited, my only concern is that I'm a perfectionist when it comes to my pic's. There is a list :-) that I work from.

1. NO errors, like dust spots, halos etc 
2. Would I put this on my wall?
3. How would I feel about having this on my wall for, say 3 years?
4. What do my fiancee think?

As you probably figured out, number four is quite important :-) The one beneath is in :-) 

Wish you all a great weekend


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