Wednesday, 12 November 2014

Travel photography Maspalomas

Weiii on Friday we're of to Maspalomas, Grand Canarie, Spain. Me and my fiancée use to take a trip to the Canarie islands once in early spring and once in late autumn. We always vary between Grand Canarie and Tenerife depending on our mood. Tenerife for the dramatic landscape with high mountains and Teide as it's king. Grand Canarie for the beaches and a bit calmer landscape. We haven't been to any of the other islands.

Well this time it's Grand Canarie with it's great desert beach Maspalomas and this time I thought about not only shooting landscapes, vistas, sunrises and sunsets. I'm going to try and dig deeper in to the travel photography genre. Taking some online courses, reading some books so I'm feeling ready and you will see some results after my trip.

Thought I'll end this post with the popular segment "What's in my bag" or rather what gear will I bring to Grand Canarie, so here goes:

Nikon D800
Nikon D600 as backup

Nikon 14 - 24 mm 2.8, for those sunrise and grand vista shots
Nikon 24 - 70 mm 2.8, my "goto" lens, my all time favorite
Nikon 70 - 200 mm 2.8, mostly for photographing people, I think I'll use this more this time as I'm shooting for more travel type of photo.
Nikon 2.0 converter

Lee Big Stopper
Lee hard grad
Lee soft grad
Hoya polarizer

Gitzo and Gitzo ballhead

Camera strap:
Black Rapid

Lovepro Flipside 300

Nikon speedlight 700
Extra batteries

The shot below is from a sunrise in Maspalomas 12:th November 2013 very close to one year ago
Wish you all a great weekend and week.

+Maspalomas Costa Canaria  +Spain Guides  +CANARIE +Maspalomas +Ving Sverige - Vingresor #nikon +Nikon Shooters +Nikon USA

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Wednesday, 12 November 2014

Travel photography Maspalomas

Weiii on Friday we're of to Maspalomas, Grand Canarie, Spain. Me and my fiancée use to take a trip to the Canarie islands once in early spring and once in late autumn. We always vary between Grand Canarie and Tenerife depending on our mood. Tenerife for the dramatic landscape with high mountains and Teide as it's king. Grand Canarie for the beaches and a bit calmer landscape. We haven't been to any of the other islands.

Well this time it's Grand Canarie with it's great desert beach Maspalomas and this time I thought about not only shooting landscapes, vistas, sunrises and sunsets. I'm going to try and dig deeper in to the travel photography genre. Taking some online courses, reading some books so I'm feeling ready and you will see some results after my trip.

Thought I'll end this post with the popular segment "What's in my bag" or rather what gear will I bring to Grand Canarie, so here goes:

Nikon D800
Nikon D600 as backup

Nikon 14 - 24 mm 2.8, for those sunrise and grand vista shots
Nikon 24 - 70 mm 2.8, my "goto" lens, my all time favorite
Nikon 70 - 200 mm 2.8, mostly for photographing people, I think I'll use this more this time as I'm shooting for more travel type of photo.
Nikon 2.0 converter

Lee Big Stopper
Lee hard grad
Lee soft grad
Hoya polarizer

Gitzo and Gitzo ballhead

Camera strap:
Black Rapid

Lovepro Flipside 300

Nikon speedlight 700
Extra batteries

The shot below is from a sunrise in Maspalomas 12:th November 2013 very close to one year ago
Wish you all a great weekend and week.

+Maspalomas Costa Canaria  +Spain Guides  +CANARIE +Maspalomas +Ving Sverige - Vingresor #nikon +Nikon Shooters +Nikon USA

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