Wednesday, 17 December 2014

The Mona Lisa of photography

As a part of +The Arcanum we get different quests and completing them takes us to the next level. My current quest is to identify 10 photos that have had a profound impact on me and my photographing. In this post and the coming one's I will present my findings. Some of them is chosen because of the photographer and some because of the photograph.

The first one I have picked is:

Afghan Girl by Steve McCurry

I guess that this is one of the most famous portraits of all time. The Mona Lisa of photography. And if one where to compare them there are resembles between the two. The penetrating eyes, the mystic expression on the mouth.

Afghan girl is a very strong portrait, it really feels like her eyes penetrates you. Everything in the picture is enhancing those eyes. The simple background, the brown/red cloth, skin tone enhance the light green eyes.

You can't help thinking, who is she, what kind of life has she lived, what kind of life will she have, what are her thoughts, etc.

Well there you have it, my first pick. I'll try to make one pick a day for ten days so be sure to enter your e-mail to the left and click submit then you won't miss a post.

If you want to see some of my own photos be sure to jump over to:

Have a great day.


Wednesday, 17 December 2014

The Mona Lisa of photography

As a part of +The Arcanum we get different quests and completing them takes us to the next level. My current quest is to identify 10 photos that have had a profound impact on me and my photographing. In this post and the coming one's I will present my findings. Some of them is chosen because of the photographer and some because of the photograph.

The first one I have picked is:

Afghan Girl by Steve McCurry

I guess that this is one of the most famous portraits of all time. The Mona Lisa of photography. And if one where to compare them there are resembles between the two. The penetrating eyes, the mystic expression on the mouth.

Afghan girl is a very strong portrait, it really feels like her eyes penetrates you. Everything in the picture is enhancing those eyes. The simple background, the brown/red cloth, skin tone enhance the light green eyes.

You can't help thinking, who is she, what kind of life has she lived, what kind of life will she have, what are her thoughts, etc.

Well there you have it, my first pick. I'll try to make one pick a day for ten days so be sure to enter your e-mail to the left and click submit then you won't miss a post.

If you want to see some of my own photos be sure to jump over to:

Have a great day.