Sunday, 28 December 2014

The Educator

Ok, we have arrived on number 9 on my list for a quest at +The Arcanum in +Glenn Guy 's cohort.
This is a man that has produced tons of educational books and videos and have taken me from a totally newbie to where I am today. Now I'm hoping this wonderful experience with Arcanum will help me to the next level in my photography.

Pick number 9:

This is a powerful portrait, lighten just right to emphasize the toughness in the player. Also the processing, tight crop and composition underlines this. 
Scott Kelby has produced many books on retouching, Lightroom and Photoshop. He also produces +KelbyOne where you can get videos on virtually anything in photography. I've looked at several of them for example +Moose Peterson , +Joe McNally and many more.

This is a part of a quest in +The Arcanum in +Glenn Guy 's cohort, where I'm to pick ten photos or photographers that have had a profound impact on me and my photographing. This is pick number 8.

If you want to see some of my photos be sure to head over to:

Wish you all a great day.

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Sunday, 28 December 2014

The Educator

Ok, we have arrived on number 9 on my list for a quest at +The Arcanum in +Glenn Guy 's cohort.
This is a man that has produced tons of educational books and videos and have taken me from a totally newbie to where I am today. Now I'm hoping this wonderful experience with Arcanum will help me to the next level in my photography.

Pick number 9:

This is a powerful portrait, lighten just right to emphasize the toughness in the player. Also the processing, tight crop and composition underlines this. 
Scott Kelby has produced many books on retouching, Lightroom and Photoshop. He also produces +KelbyOne where you can get videos on virtually anything in photography. I've looked at several of them for example +Moose Peterson , +Joe McNally and many more.

This is a part of a quest in +The Arcanum in +Glenn Guy 's cohort, where I'm to pick ten photos or photographers that have had a profound impact on me and my photographing. This is pick number 8.

If you want to see some of my photos be sure to head over to:

Wish you all a great day.

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