Saturday, 22 November 2014


As you read on my previous post I've been on vacation at Maspalomas, Canarie islands, Spain. Now we're back since yesterday afternoon. Lightroom is now working hard to import all the photos. I didn't shoot as much as I wanted. But I dedicated about one and a half day for shooting.

On Tuesday after being up at sunrise, well, before sunrise to shoot some pic's when the first sun hits the dunes of Maspalomas me and my fiancee with friends took the car and drove inlands up the mountains. Those serpentine paths isn't to play with. The clouds where very low and the rain was on and of. The mountains are truly beautiful with it's valleys and peaks.

I shot some panoramas over 5 pics so my Mac will have to work hard while stitching them together in Photoshop. I hope there is some gems there. However the first pic i processed was not a panorama but a stunning view.

The techie stuff
Nikon D800, Nikon 24-70 mm 2.8 @ 28 mm and @ f8. 5 exp HDR processed in Photomatix Pro, Color Efex Pro, Viveza, Lightroom.

Stay tuned for next weeks blog where more pics from Gran Canarie will follow.

Have a great weekend

#travel #travelphotograpy #landscape #landscapephotography 

Wednesday, 12 November 2014

Travel photography Maspalomas

Weiii on Friday we're of to Maspalomas, Grand Canarie, Spain. Me and my fiancée use to take a trip to the Canarie islands once in early spring and once in late autumn. We always vary between Grand Canarie and Tenerife depending on our mood. Tenerife for the dramatic landscape with high mountains and Teide as it's king. Grand Canarie for the beaches and a bit calmer landscape. We haven't been to any of the other islands.

Well this time it's Grand Canarie with it's great desert beach Maspalomas and this time I thought about not only shooting landscapes, vistas, sunrises and sunsets. I'm going to try and dig deeper in to the travel photography genre. Taking some online courses, reading some books so I'm feeling ready and you will see some results after my trip.

Thought I'll end this post with the popular segment "What's in my bag" or rather what gear will I bring to Grand Canarie, so here goes:

Nikon D800
Nikon D600 as backup

Nikon 14 - 24 mm 2.8, for those sunrise and grand vista shots
Nikon 24 - 70 mm 2.8, my "goto" lens, my all time favorite
Nikon 70 - 200 mm 2.8, mostly for photographing people, I think I'll use this more this time as I'm shooting for more travel type of photo.
Nikon 2.0 converter

Lee Big Stopper
Lee hard grad
Lee soft grad
Hoya polarizer

Gitzo and Gitzo ballhead

Camera strap:
Black Rapid

Lovepro Flipside 300

Nikon speedlight 700
Extra batteries

The shot below is from a sunrise in Maspalomas 12:th November 2013 very close to one year ago
Wish you all a great weekend and week.

+Maspalomas Costa Canaria  +Spain Guides  +CANARIE +Maspalomas +Ving Sverige - Vingresor #nikon +Nikon Shooters +Nikon USA

Friday, 7 November 2014


For many photographers autumn is the best time of the year. The color explosions in all the foliage. Nature makes it self ready for winter and everything slows down.

In Sweden this is true from mid September thru October. However November and early December are very grey, dark and gloomy. The days are short, it's dark when you leave for work and dark when you come home. As a photographer and person I mostly wait for the first snow, when everything brightens up. Nature dresses in it's best winter suit.

But for now grey, dark and gloomy will have to do and seriously you can make some great shots this time of the year. Aiming for some moodiness in your pictures isn't that hard. The weather is made for just that.

So the lesson this week is, get out and shoot no matter the season. It's a great time for som moody photos.

I leave you with this shot I took earlier today. I might gone a bit to far with the moodiness but I like it :-)

Have a great weekend all

Edward Scissorhands

Saturday, 22 November 2014


As you read on my previous post I've been on vacation at Maspalomas, Canarie islands, Spain. Now we're back since yesterday afternoon. Lightroom is now working hard to import all the photos. I didn't shoot as much as I wanted. But I dedicated about one and a half day for shooting.

On Tuesday after being up at sunrise, well, before sunrise to shoot some pic's when the first sun hits the dunes of Maspalomas me and my fiancee with friends took the car and drove inlands up the mountains. Those serpentine paths isn't to play with. The clouds where very low and the rain was on and of. The mountains are truly beautiful with it's valleys and peaks.

I shot some panoramas over 5 pics so my Mac will have to work hard while stitching them together in Photoshop. I hope there is some gems there. However the first pic i processed was not a panorama but a stunning view.

The techie stuff
Nikon D800, Nikon 24-70 mm 2.8 @ 28 mm and @ f8. 5 exp HDR processed in Photomatix Pro, Color Efex Pro, Viveza, Lightroom.

Stay tuned for next weeks blog where more pics from Gran Canarie will follow.

Have a great weekend

#travel #travelphotograpy #landscape #landscapephotography 

Wednesday, 12 November 2014

Travel photography Maspalomas

Weiii on Friday we're of to Maspalomas, Grand Canarie, Spain. Me and my fiancée use to take a trip to the Canarie islands once in early spring and once in late autumn. We always vary between Grand Canarie and Tenerife depending on our mood. Tenerife for the dramatic landscape with high mountains and Teide as it's king. Grand Canarie for the beaches and a bit calmer landscape. We haven't been to any of the other islands.

Well this time it's Grand Canarie with it's great desert beach Maspalomas and this time I thought about not only shooting landscapes, vistas, sunrises and sunsets. I'm going to try and dig deeper in to the travel photography genre. Taking some online courses, reading some books so I'm feeling ready and you will see some results after my trip.

Thought I'll end this post with the popular segment "What's in my bag" or rather what gear will I bring to Grand Canarie, so here goes:

Nikon D800
Nikon D600 as backup

Nikon 14 - 24 mm 2.8, for those sunrise and grand vista shots
Nikon 24 - 70 mm 2.8, my "goto" lens, my all time favorite
Nikon 70 - 200 mm 2.8, mostly for photographing people, I think I'll use this more this time as I'm shooting for more travel type of photo.
Nikon 2.0 converter

Lee Big Stopper
Lee hard grad
Lee soft grad
Hoya polarizer

Gitzo and Gitzo ballhead

Camera strap:
Black Rapid

Lovepro Flipside 300

Nikon speedlight 700
Extra batteries

The shot below is from a sunrise in Maspalomas 12:th November 2013 very close to one year ago
Wish you all a great weekend and week.

+Maspalomas Costa Canaria  +Spain Guides  +CANARIE +Maspalomas +Ving Sverige - Vingresor #nikon +Nikon Shooters +Nikon USA

Friday, 7 November 2014


For many photographers autumn is the best time of the year. The color explosions in all the foliage. Nature makes it self ready for winter and everything slows down.

In Sweden this is true from mid September thru October. However November and early December are very grey, dark and gloomy. The days are short, it's dark when you leave for work and dark when you come home. As a photographer and person I mostly wait for the first snow, when everything brightens up. Nature dresses in it's best winter suit.

But for now grey, dark and gloomy will have to do and seriously you can make some great shots this time of the year. Aiming for some moodiness in your pictures isn't that hard. The weather is made for just that.

So the lesson this week is, get out and shoot no matter the season. It's a great time for som moody photos.

I leave you with this shot I took earlier today. I might gone a bit to far with the moodiness but I like it :-)

Have a great weekend all

Edward Scissorhands