Friday, 10 April 2015


Lately I've hardly been photographing anything, lacking of inspiration is what I blame, or laziness. Not caring about sunsets, sunrises, nature, vistas etc.

Two weeks ago I was on vacation at Tenerife, Spain. I've been there several times before, it holds the highest peek in Spain, Teide and it's always a pure joy tho shoot this vulcano. This time what did I do? Just layed by the pool sipping a beer and enjoyed life. When I came home I had skot 15 photos of the pool and my fiancee, usually I shoot about 1000 shots on a vacation. Hrmm LAZY and lacking motivation.

I haven't been out shooting landscape for over a month, until a couple of days ago when I said to myself that this isn't sustainable. I pulled myself up and went out into the woods nearby my hometown.

This was the result.

Sitting in the nature, enjoying a beautiful sunset, it hit me why I do this. It's so simple, just beeing out enjoying the present, trying to dokument something as beautiful as it was when I sat there on the hill watching this beautiful sunset. Trying to capture the feeling/mood. And at the same time knowing that it's impossible to capture nature in all it's beautiful vesture as I saw it this evening but atleast try to get as close as possible.

I wish you all a great weekend


  1. Great post Fredrik - Glad to hear you are out and about again - gorgeous image

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Friday, 10 April 2015


Lately I've hardly been photographing anything, lacking of inspiration is what I blame, or laziness. Not caring about sunsets, sunrises, nature, vistas etc.

Two weeks ago I was on vacation at Tenerife, Spain. I've been there several times before, it holds the highest peek in Spain, Teide and it's always a pure joy tho shoot this vulcano. This time what did I do? Just layed by the pool sipping a beer and enjoyed life. When I came home I had skot 15 photos of the pool and my fiancee, usually I shoot about 1000 shots on a vacation. Hrmm LAZY and lacking motivation.

I haven't been out shooting landscape for over a month, until a couple of days ago when I said to myself that this isn't sustainable. I pulled myself up and went out into the woods nearby my hometown.

This was the result.

Sitting in the nature, enjoying a beautiful sunset, it hit me why I do this. It's so simple, just beeing out enjoying the present, trying to dokument something as beautiful as it was when I sat there on the hill watching this beautiful sunset. Trying to capture the feeling/mood. And at the same time knowing that it's impossible to capture nature in all it's beautiful vesture as I saw it this evening but atleast try to get as close as possible.

I wish you all a great weekend


  1. Great post Fredrik - Glad to hear you are out and about again - gorgeous image

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