Friday, 2 January 2015


You who have followed me know my love for HDR. It's when you take several different exposures on the same objekt from to dark to light and then putting it together via software like Photomatix and you get an image that covers more light range then only one exposure could do. This is especially good when you are shooting indoors but have light from a window lighten up part of the picture.

This is true in the picture bellow, it's indoors an old stone church in northern Öland, Sweden. If I had exposed for the dark parts the windows and the lighter parts would have been blown out, totally white. If I on other hand had exposed for the lighter areas the darker parts would have been completely black. This is a 5 exposure HDR, processed in Photomatix, Lightroom, and Viveza.

The church is an old stone church about 750 years old called Källa old church. I have some more photos from this location and will show them in a later post where I also will do a bit more detailed post on my process.

Be sure not to miss any of my posts by entering your e-mailadress to the left and click "submit"

If you want to se some more of my photos head over to:

Wish you all a great weekend

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Friday, 2 January 2015


You who have followed me know my love for HDR. It's when you take several different exposures on the same objekt from to dark to light and then putting it together via software like Photomatix and you get an image that covers more light range then only one exposure could do. This is especially good when you are shooting indoors but have light from a window lighten up part of the picture.

This is true in the picture bellow, it's indoors an old stone church in northern Öland, Sweden. If I had exposed for the dark parts the windows and the lighter parts would have been blown out, totally white. If I on other hand had exposed for the lighter areas the darker parts would have been completely black. This is a 5 exposure HDR, processed in Photomatix, Lightroom, and Viveza.

The church is an old stone church about 750 years old called Källa old church. I have some more photos from this location and will show them in a later post where I also will do a bit more detailed post on my process.

Be sure not to miss any of my posts by entering your e-mailadress to the left and click "submit"

If you want to se some more of my photos head over to:

Wish you all a great weekend

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