Thursday, 24 July 2014

Travel photography

Why not? Many photographers dream of this. To travel the world taking pictures for different magazines or travel agents. Who wouldn't want to go to the Bahamas taking photographs of the beautiful beaches?
But, then it wouldn't be a vacation. It would be your job with all that comes with it like deadlines, pictures of things/places that must be taken, weather conditions and so on. 
Now I go on vacation with my fiancee, who's not into photographing, and we have a deal. I can spend early mornings and one whole day taking photos. And I'm happy with this, I usualy come home with lots of pictures to process.
I'm doing this blog post from a bar i the town of Rhodos, Greece (it's my photo day of the vacation 😀) having a beer, you know from my google plus flow that I like beer. Could I've been here on work? Yes of course. But would I've been this relaxed? Well I don't know and I'm leaning against no.

I leave you with this pic taken on the beach of Rhodes and wish you all a relaxing weekend

Friday, 18 July 2014

First exhibition

My first exhibition ever is about a month away and I'm out chasing my last pic's for the show. I know what I'm aiming for. Having two floors the first is my passion, landscape concentrating on sunrises and sunsets. Second floor will be pic's from my hometown. Live in a town that is over 600 years old with the city center very well preserved, so photo ops is no problem :-)

I am super excited, my only concern is that I'm a perfectionist when it comes to my pic's. There is a list :-) that I work from.

1. NO errors, like dust spots, halos etc 
2. Would I put this on my wall?
3. How would I feel about having this on my wall for, say 3 years?
4. What do my fiancee think?

As you probably figured out, number four is quite important :-) The one beneath is in :-) 

Wish you all a great weekend


Thursday, 24 July 2014

Travel photography

Why not? Many photographers dream of this. To travel the world taking pictures for different magazines or travel agents. Who wouldn't want to go to the Bahamas taking photographs of the beautiful beaches?
But, then it wouldn't be a vacation. It would be your job with all that comes with it like deadlines, pictures of things/places that must be taken, weather conditions and so on. 
Now I go on vacation with my fiancee, who's not into photographing, and we have a deal. I can spend early mornings and one whole day taking photos. And I'm happy with this, I usualy come home with lots of pictures to process.
I'm doing this blog post from a bar i the town of Rhodos, Greece (it's my photo day of the vacation 😀) having a beer, you know from my google plus flow that I like beer. Could I've been here on work? Yes of course. But would I've been this relaxed? Well I don't know and I'm leaning against no.

I leave you with this pic taken on the beach of Rhodes and wish you all a relaxing weekend

Friday, 18 July 2014

First exhibition

My first exhibition ever is about a month away and I'm out chasing my last pic's for the show. I know what I'm aiming for. Having two floors the first is my passion, landscape concentrating on sunrises and sunsets. Second floor will be pic's from my hometown. Live in a town that is over 600 years old with the city center very well preserved, so photo ops is no problem :-)

I am super excited, my only concern is that I'm a perfectionist when it comes to my pic's. There is a list :-) that I work from.

1. NO errors, like dust spots, halos etc 
2. Would I put this on my wall?
3. How would I feel about having this on my wall for, say 3 years?
4. What do my fiancee think?

As you probably figured out, number four is quite important :-) The one beneath is in :-) 

Wish you all a great weekend