Wednesday, 13 November 2013

Landscape photographer's great obstacle

Ok, been to Grand Canaria for five days now and as I promised my girlfriend only been out shooting for two days. Now I wonder, why we as photographers don't have power over the weather? 

As I went out two very early mornings hoping to catch a great sunrise over the sanddunes at Maspaloma beach (make a picture search at google then you know what I meen). What do I get??? Clouds, clouds and a bit more clouds and we are only here for one day more. 

So what to do? I might sneak out early tomorrow again, though the girlfiend won't be happy. Or use what I got and go for a more moody shot, abit darker. I think I go for the later :-)

I guess one of every photographers great challanges is to be able to adapt, think outsider the box as it so popular is called.

By the way, I got some great shots of the mountains that I'm exited to have a go at one's I'm home. These will be published as soon as I'm finished processing them at

The pic below is from this morning as I'm waiting for the never clearing sky.

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Wednesday, 13 November 2013

Landscape photographer's great obstacle

Ok, been to Grand Canaria for five days now and as I promised my girlfriend only been out shooting for two days. Now I wonder, why we as photographers don't have power over the weather? 

As I went out two very early mornings hoping to catch a great sunrise over the sanddunes at Maspaloma beach (make a picture search at google then you know what I meen). What do I get??? Clouds, clouds and a bit more clouds and we are only here for one day more. 

So what to do? I might sneak out early tomorrow again, though the girlfiend won't be happy. Or use what I got and go for a more moody shot, abit darker. I think I go for the later :-)

I guess one of every photographers great challanges is to be able to adapt, think outsider the box as it so popular is called.

By the way, I got some great shots of the mountains that I'm exited to have a go at one's I'm home. These will be published as soon as I'm finished processing them at

The pic below is from this morning as I'm waiting for the never clearing sky.

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