Wednesday, 13 November 2013

Landscape photographer's great obstacle

Ok, been to Grand Canaria for five days now and as I promised my girlfriend only been out shooting for two days. Now I wonder, why we as photographers don't have power over the weather? 

As I went out two very early mornings hoping to catch a great sunrise over the sanddunes at Maspaloma beach (make a picture search at google then you know what I meen). What do I get??? Clouds, clouds and a bit more clouds and we are only here for one day more. 

So what to do? I might sneak out early tomorrow again, though the girlfiend won't be happy. Or use what I got and go for a more moody shot, abit darker. I think I go for the later :-)

I guess one of every photographers great challanges is to be able to adapt, think outsider the box as it so popular is called.

By the way, I got some great shots of the mountains that I'm exited to have a go at one's I'm home. These will be published as soon as I'm finished processing them at

The pic below is from this morning as I'm waiting for the never clearing sky.

Sunday, 3 November 2013

Gloomy november

Well here in Sweden the autumn is starting to slip into winter, gone is the beautiful autumn colors. And the bleak, gloomy november is here instead.

So what to photograph when the weather is like this, waiting for the first snow? I guess many with me spend more time in front of the computer going though the photos from past summer and fall. And don't get me wrong I love processing photos, but not as much as I love taking pictures.

I went out yesterday trying to get some gloomy pictures, trying to get some dark mood in the photo. I'm quite pleased with the result.

The result you see below. It's a 3 exposure HDR -2, 0, +2, processed in Photomatix, then a trip in to Lightroom with some spot removal. After that I took it in to Silver Efex 2 and finished it up in Sharpener.

As usual you can enter my webpage to see a bigger version of the photo.

I wish you all a great ending of the week

Wednesday, 13 November 2013

Landscape photographer's great obstacle

Ok, been to Grand Canaria for five days now and as I promised my girlfriend only been out shooting for two days. Now I wonder, why we as photographers don't have power over the weather? 

As I went out two very early mornings hoping to catch a great sunrise over the sanddunes at Maspaloma beach (make a picture search at google then you know what I meen). What do I get??? Clouds, clouds and a bit more clouds and we are only here for one day more. 

So what to do? I might sneak out early tomorrow again, though the girlfiend won't be happy. Or use what I got and go for a more moody shot, abit darker. I think I go for the later :-)

I guess one of every photographers great challanges is to be able to adapt, think outsider the box as it so popular is called.

By the way, I got some great shots of the mountains that I'm exited to have a go at one's I'm home. These will be published as soon as I'm finished processing them at

The pic below is from this morning as I'm waiting for the never clearing sky.

Sunday, 3 November 2013

Gloomy november

Well here in Sweden the autumn is starting to slip into winter, gone is the beautiful autumn colors. And the bleak, gloomy november is here instead.

So what to photograph when the weather is like this, waiting for the first snow? I guess many with me spend more time in front of the computer going though the photos from past summer and fall. And don't get me wrong I love processing photos, but not as much as I love taking pictures.

I went out yesterday trying to get some gloomy pictures, trying to get some dark mood in the photo. I'm quite pleased with the result.

The result you see below. It's a 3 exposure HDR -2, 0, +2, processed in Photomatix, then a trip in to Lightroom with some spot removal. After that I took it in to Silver Efex 2 and finished it up in Sharpener.

As usual you can enter my webpage to see a bigger version of the photo.

I wish you all a great ending of the week