Friday, 31 October 2014

Social Media

Now that I've been in to photographing for about 4 years I'm starting to see a growth of interested of my social media page's. Some more then others, at google plus near 12000 people have circled me. +Fredrik Larsson is my google plus page for you who haven't circled me already :-)

On the other hand my photo page on Facebook isn't growing the way that I want it to do. One reason being that I write all in Swedish there. Only about 315 "likes" on my page.

And on Instagram it's like Facebook about 400 followers. My all time low is on twitter, only 45 followers.

Why is this? I mean from 12000 to 45 is quite the drop :-) I guess one of the obvious reasons is the different public. +Guy Kawasaki described it like this:

Twitter = Perception, what happens here and now, for example "Car crash on route 66, 3 injured taken to hospital" Many uses twitter as an update status app, like - "Check out my new blog on shutter speed"

Instagram = Twitter, but with photo's. There is a lake with photo app's for your phone that intergrate with your instagram account. More and more people upload their DSLR pic's to instagram but I still think that phone photos are most common.

Facebook = People, those you want to stay close to, like family members, friends etc. Many update their status based on what they are doing, like "Ahh nothing beats a really hard workout" or "Having a drink on the beach" followed by a photo of a Pina Colada. Another common thing is sharing your baby/pet progress "Look at Steve's first steps" followed by a video. One of the most usual shares, to many annoyance is game invitations to like Candy Crush.

Google Plus = Passion, You have a passion? This is the place for you. For me, my passion is photography and this is made to share beautiful pictures. But also if your not into photographing, it's great. If your passion is dogs, cats, football, soccer, history, gadgets etc there are community's for everyone. With all the integrations with other google apps it can make your social media life online so much easier.

Conclusion :-)
Since my passion is photographing, my go to social media page is google plus, there is where i publish most posts. More posts and interaction = more that take an interest in what you are writing.

Beneath is screenprints on my accounts, if you click the name below the pic you get to that page. Why not "Like, follow or circle?" :-)

Have a great weekend all

Google plus


Saturday, 25 October 2014

Not a photo-blog, just a little :-)


Been in the kitchen all afternoon, the biggest party in my hometown is tonight. It's called "Ride around party" and it's not that easy to explain it, even in swedish :-) 
A lot of couples gets an invitation and get one of three tasks, appetizer, dinner or dessert. Of course we got dinner this year again... 
Then, a couple of days ago we got a letter telling us that we shall be on an adress for appetizers, there we stay for about 1,5 hour then we rush home (two other couples get a new letter at their first stop that they shall be at our home for dinner) we have two couples for dinner. After this we open a letter that says where we and the two other couples shall be for dessert (not the same adress) and at the last place after dessert we open a new letter where it says where the big party is at. About 300 couples does this during the evening (the best evening for the local taxi company) As I said in the beginning it's not that easy to explain this :-)

Well now all preparations are done and I do some processing, sipping a glas of wine for relaxing. So here is the result from the process:

*I follow*
Taken outside of Vetlanda, a nearby town.
HDR - Of Course :-) 5 exp
Photomatix Pro, Viveza 2 and Lightroom

Wish you all a great weekend (you from Europe, don't forget to set the wintertime tonight :-))

Wednesday, 15 October 2014

Getting better

Well it's been a tad over 4 years since I got my first DSLR and what a journey it has been. First shooting only in "green" mode, jpg, not processing at all and now aperture priority or manual, often manually focusing. Knowing what shutterspeed does to the photo, or dept of field. Using filters, thinking about composition and the "rules" and when to break them :-) Also learning more about post-processing like +Adobe Photoshop Lightroom and plug-ins like +Nik Collection by Google or Photomatix.
Going from showing my fiancee my pic's and she says ahhh great pic, to selling prints on regular basis.

I've literally eaten everything I got my hands on, books, online courses, exhibitions, etc. This has gotten me from the first pic to the second one. I think I'm getting better for every shot I take, always learning. One of the things I truly love about photography is that you never get to the place where you feel like I'm now fully learned.

The latest project is entering +The Arcanum with +Glenn Guy as my mentor hoping to take me to new heights.

Where have your journey taken you?

This is one of my first sunset pic's.

And this is my latest pic of the sunset.

Friday, 31 October 2014

Social Media

Now that I've been in to photographing for about 4 years I'm starting to see a growth of interested of my social media page's. Some more then others, at google plus near 12000 people have circled me. +Fredrik Larsson is my google plus page for you who haven't circled me already :-)

On the other hand my photo page on Facebook isn't growing the way that I want it to do. One reason being that I write all in Swedish there. Only about 315 "likes" on my page.

And on Instagram it's like Facebook about 400 followers. My all time low is on twitter, only 45 followers.

Why is this? I mean from 12000 to 45 is quite the drop :-) I guess one of the obvious reasons is the different public. +Guy Kawasaki described it like this:

Twitter = Perception, what happens here and now, for example "Car crash on route 66, 3 injured taken to hospital" Many uses twitter as an update status app, like - "Check out my new blog on shutter speed"

Instagram = Twitter, but with photo's. There is a lake with photo app's for your phone that intergrate with your instagram account. More and more people upload their DSLR pic's to instagram but I still think that phone photos are most common.

Facebook = People, those you want to stay close to, like family members, friends etc. Many update their status based on what they are doing, like "Ahh nothing beats a really hard workout" or "Having a drink on the beach" followed by a photo of a Pina Colada. Another common thing is sharing your baby/pet progress "Look at Steve's first steps" followed by a video. One of the most usual shares, to many annoyance is game invitations to like Candy Crush.

Google Plus = Passion, You have a passion? This is the place for you. For me, my passion is photography and this is made to share beautiful pictures. But also if your not into photographing, it's great. If your passion is dogs, cats, football, soccer, history, gadgets etc there are community's for everyone. With all the integrations with other google apps it can make your social media life online so much easier.

Conclusion :-)
Since my passion is photographing, my go to social media page is google plus, there is where i publish most posts. More posts and interaction = more that take an interest in what you are writing.

Beneath is screenprints on my accounts, if you click the name below the pic you get to that page. Why not "Like, follow or circle?" :-)

Have a great weekend all

Google plus


Saturday, 25 October 2014

Not a photo-blog, just a little :-)


Been in the kitchen all afternoon, the biggest party in my hometown is tonight. It's called "Ride around party" and it's not that easy to explain it, even in swedish :-) 
A lot of couples gets an invitation and get one of three tasks, appetizer, dinner or dessert. Of course we got dinner this year again... 
Then, a couple of days ago we got a letter telling us that we shall be on an adress for appetizers, there we stay for about 1,5 hour then we rush home (two other couples get a new letter at their first stop that they shall be at our home for dinner) we have two couples for dinner. After this we open a letter that says where we and the two other couples shall be for dessert (not the same adress) and at the last place after dessert we open a new letter where it says where the big party is at. About 300 couples does this during the evening (the best evening for the local taxi company) As I said in the beginning it's not that easy to explain this :-)

Well now all preparations are done and I do some processing, sipping a glas of wine for relaxing. So here is the result from the process:

*I follow*
Taken outside of Vetlanda, a nearby town.
HDR - Of Course :-) 5 exp
Photomatix Pro, Viveza 2 and Lightroom

Wish you all a great weekend (you from Europe, don't forget to set the wintertime tonight :-))

Wednesday, 15 October 2014

Getting better

Well it's been a tad over 4 years since I got my first DSLR and what a journey it has been. First shooting only in "green" mode, jpg, not processing at all and now aperture priority or manual, often manually focusing. Knowing what shutterspeed does to the photo, or dept of field. Using filters, thinking about composition and the "rules" and when to break them :-) Also learning more about post-processing like +Adobe Photoshop Lightroom and plug-ins like +Nik Collection by Google or Photomatix.
Going from showing my fiancee my pic's and she says ahhh great pic, to selling prints on regular basis.

I've literally eaten everything I got my hands on, books, online courses, exhibitions, etc. This has gotten me from the first pic to the second one. I think I'm getting better for every shot I take, always learning. One of the things I truly love about photography is that you never get to the place where you feel like I'm now fully learned.

The latest project is entering +The Arcanum with +Glenn Guy as my mentor hoping to take me to new heights.

Where have your journey taken you?

This is one of my first sunset pic's.

And this is my latest pic of the sunset.