Saturday, 28 June 2014

Viveza - The forgotten one?

I love testing software to take my photos to a higher level. When it comes to my HDR photography I started with Nik's HDR Efex Pro. I was quite happy with it until I tried Photomatix Pro witch I simply love, it fits my needs perfectly.

But in the Nik Collection there are some pretty cool programs. I as I guess most of those who have tested the Collection started out with Silver Efex Pro who is an outstanding program for doing B/W photos. Also there is Color Efex Pro witch contains a lot of filter presets that you can change after own liking, a very powerful program.

Lately I've started using Viveza 2, not for finishing touches but for ideas where to take a certain photo. There are not that many controls, only four sliders, brightness, contrast, saturation and structure. This makes it perfect for me to get a feel for my photo and in what direction I want to take it. Beneath there are an example.

This is a photo I shoot an early morning April, the sun hadn't risen quite yet. I simply love the colors and the non existing horizon.

So for this first example I pulled quite much an the sliders to create a dramatic picture.

Second I made a soft, dreamy version

Last I went with something in between

All this was made in a couple of minuts.
Beneath is the final image, for full resolution klick.

I have payed full prize for both the Nik Collection and Photomatix Pro. I don't get any deals for this post.

Saturday, 28 June 2014

Viveza - The forgotten one?

I love testing software to take my photos to a higher level. When it comes to my HDR photography I started with Nik's HDR Efex Pro. I was quite happy with it until I tried Photomatix Pro witch I simply love, it fits my needs perfectly.

But in the Nik Collection there are some pretty cool programs. I as I guess most of those who have tested the Collection started out with Silver Efex Pro who is an outstanding program for doing B/W photos. Also there is Color Efex Pro witch contains a lot of filter presets that you can change after own liking, a very powerful program.

Lately I've started using Viveza 2, not for finishing touches but for ideas where to take a certain photo. There are not that many controls, only four sliders, brightness, contrast, saturation and structure. This makes it perfect for me to get a feel for my photo and in what direction I want to take it. Beneath there are an example.

This is a photo I shoot an early morning April, the sun hadn't risen quite yet. I simply love the colors and the non existing horizon.

So for this first example I pulled quite much an the sliders to create a dramatic picture.

Second I made a soft, dreamy version

Last I went with something in between

All this was made in a couple of minuts.
Beneath is the final image, for full resolution klick.

I have payed full prize for both the Nik Collection and Photomatix Pro. I don't get any deals for this post.